Man makes bed by dumpster


Photo credit: Miles Huffman


Call type: Alarm

Tuesday 6:51 p.m., Facilities Management

An alarm sounded in an administration building.



Call type: Disturbance

Tuesday 7:34 a.m., Diamond Hotel

A man was freaking out in the alley behind the hotel, punching the wall while carrying a stick.

Call type: Transient Problem

Tuesday 8:39 a.m., For Elyse

A man set up camp next to a dumpster with mattress, pillows and a sleeping bag.

Call type: Disturbance

Tuesday 12:44 p.m., Varlinsky Apartments

A female with mental issues is yelling and screaming and to take out her anger she is kicking the air conditioning unit.

Call type: Stabbing

Tuesday 5:43 p.m., Rice Bowl

Three males were yelling at each other, running in and out of the street. Girlfriend brought male in with a stab wound.

Call type: Suspicious Subject

Wednesday 1:04 a.m., Cedar Glenn Apartments

A female tried to run over another subject with her shopping cart. The subject then pulled her stun gun on her.

Kayla Fitzgerald can be reached at [email protected] or @kaylafitz_20 on Twitter.