University Police
Call Type: Disturbance Monday, 12:02 p.m, Physical Science Building
“Unclear number of people coming from building. Yelling overly loud while leaving Modoc Hall to go to class.”
Call Type: Petty Theft Monday, 2:01 p.m, WREC
“Bike tires stolen while locked up at Wildcat Recreation Center.”
Call Type: Non Injury Hit and Run Monday, 2:38 p.m, Parking Structure 1
“Car believed to have been hit on Cherry Street. Subject left and returned, however on arrival the dented vehicle was gone. Possibly burgundy SUV or van.”
Call Type: Petty Theft Monday, 7:18 p.m, Langdon Engineering Center
“Toilet dispenser stolen.”
Call Type: Suspicious Subject Monday, 9:23 p.m, Student Services Center
“White male adult with ball cap and jeans with camo jacket looking at bikes and trying door to SSC. Subject former custodian who may be leaving with friends on campus.”