Beginning October 6, the crushed feeling of being too late for greasy, Sunday morning hangover hash-browns will be a thing of the past.
Fast food giant, McDonalds has announced that they will start selling breakfast food all day.
Workers, however, may not share the excitement.
“It’s really busy when you have to serve breakfast all day,” said Jasmine Sandoval, sophomore and McDonald’s employee. “It’s going to bring in a lot more customers.”
While an increase in sales is exactly what McDonald’s is aiming for, its employees may suffer. The increase in customers may depreciate the efficiency of its workers and create numerous problems in their methods of cooking food.
“I think it’ll be a nice change,” said Taylor Carney, junior health science major. “When you are on road trips or just want an Egg Mcmuffin, you can go whenever and get one.”
The company’s profits have decreased in recent years, and this newest marketing campaign may be one of their further reaching yet. The night workers will have to make the transition of becoming morning workers simultaneously, while under pressure of maintaining efficiency.
The future may not look incredibly bright for the minimum wage workers of McDonald’s who will begin to prepare for battle with a newer, larger, probably drunk, customer base.
Katelyn Martin can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com or @katelynmmartin_ on Twitter.