The Chico State counseling program, UMatter, featured its “Before I Die” chalkboard wall in the Student Services Center Plaza during Suicide Prevention Week.
From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., hundreds of Wildcats were asked to write their final wishes on the board. The diversity of wishes ranged from traveling to getting married and having a square meal for dinner to staying in touch with family.
“I should go home to see my mother in San Francisco this week,” said Xiao Li, first-year computer information systems major. “I’ve neglected communicating with my family ever since I came to the university.”
UMatter is committed to providing a healthy environment for students by promoting self-health, awareness and communication.
The goal of the wall is to acknowledge the value of individual student wishes and importance of self-care.
Yang Dai can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com or @YangDaiVip on Twitter.