Chico Police Department
Call Type: Residential Burglary, 8:55 p.m., East 15th Street
A woman was in her back bedroom when she noticed her purse missing from her front table. Her dog was barking and the woman found her front door wide open.
Call Type: Suspicious Circumstance, 7:23 p.m., East Lindo Avenue
A taxi dropped off a male subject who pulled out eight tires and several bike frames from the trunk. One male and one female began to work on the bikes using a flashlight near the bike path.
Call Type: Hit and Run- No Injury, 8:47 p.m., East 20th Street
A vehicle hit another on the rear driver’s side before driving off. Corning police have been contacted regarding the suspect.
Call Type: Subject, 7:09 p.m., Mangrove Avenue
A female subject was seen screaming and yelling while throwing items at La Comida Restaurant.
University Police
Call Type: Elevator Malfunction, 1:49 p.m., West First Street
An elevator malfunction occurred at Meriam Library. One female was stuck inside.
Call Type: Transient Call, 5:50 p.m., Chestnut Street
A person in a grey hoodie and shorts was panhandling near the Performing Arts Center.
Call Type: Transient Call, 11:04 a.m., Main Street
Two homeless people were found sleeping near their bikes. The two were moved along.
Call Type: Petty Theft- Bike, 9:02 a.m., Warner Street
A bikesecured with a cable lock at Tehama Hall was reported stolen.
Kindra Robinson can be reached at: [email protected] or at @kr0bins0n1 on Twitter.