Around winter time, single people everywhere begin to feel lonely. With no one to cuddle with, the idea of being single seems less exciting. Come November, cuddle and holiday season is in full effect.
Holiday season also serves as a time for students to unwind and take a break from the fall semester. Sometimes being in a relationship can be a distraction. Often times, winter break means that college couples go back home and are apart for a couple of weeks. The stress of missing someone you’re used to seeing often isn’t exactly my idea of a relaxing break.
Then, of course, there’s the stress of buying a gift.
Buying gifts for your significant other is usually stressful— you never know what the right amount is to spend, if they will like what you got them, etc. When you’re single, there is no significant other to stress over buying a gift for. The focus on gift-buying shifts toward the other important people in your life.
The best part about being single for the holidays is not having anyone to stress over. You get to focus on enjoying your time with family and eating some delicious food. You don’t have to look over your shoulder every time you leave the table to make sure one of your family members isn’t interrogating your significant other.
Just because there isn’t someone there to cuddle with at night doesn’t mean you can’t still have a good time alone. You can go ice skating and even have holiday dinners or gift exchanges with friends. Treat yourself during the holidays instead of someone else.
Who needs relationship drama during finals season? No one. With all the stress that comes with December approaching, the last thing someone should have to worry about is getting a text back from their significant other.
Heat up some hot chocolate and have a Netflix binge all to yourself. Enjoy the holidays by only stressing about yourself.
Kristina Martinez can be reached at [email protected] or @kristinacsuc on Twitter.