Photo credit: Miles Huffman
Chico Police Department
Call Type: Aggressive Animal, 9:48 a.m., West 8th Avenue
A female subject was attacked by a dog near West 8th Avenue.
Call type: Found bike, 4:53p.m., Park Avenue
Reporting person was found a man’s bike.
Call Type: Fight, 8:00 p.m., Main Street
Group of five subjects and dogs were fighting in building.
Call Type: Family Dispute, 8:04 p.m., Vermillion Circle
Fight between subject and his girlfriend at their apartment.
Call Type: Noise Complaint, 12:34 a.m., West 4th Street
Reporting person said loud music with party voices was disturbed him.
University Police Department
Call Type: Open Door, 1:15 a.m., Arcadian Avenue
The officer initiated activity at Modoc Hall and try to open the door.