Chico Police Department
Call type: Family Dispute, Monday 9:51 a.m., Chestnut Street
Reporting person heard a female verbal in background.
Call type: Loose Animal, Tuesday 9:02 a.m., Alan Lane.
Reporting person said his dog got out of the gate.
Call type: Found Bike, Wednesday 6:56 a.m., West 7th Street.
The male subject was found with a stolen bike in Manor Apartments.
Call type: Runaway, Thursday 1:08 p.m., East Avenue
Reporting person has not seen her son since last Friday.
Call type: Family Dispute, Friday 2:58 p.m., Mariposa Avenue
Male and Female subjects were fighting each other in the middle of the road.
Call type: Shoplift, Saturday 7:07 a.m., Saturday Mangrove Avenue
The male subject stole a Starbucks creamer at Safeway.
Call type: Fight, 9:25 p.m., Sunday East Lindo Avenue
Four to six subjects were fighting each other at the end of the street.
University Police Department
Call Type: Bike Stop, Monday 8:45 a.m., West 1st Street
Faculty member warned for riding her bike across the physical science pedestrian bridge.
Call Type: Medical Aid, Tuesday 4:47 p.m., West 1st Street.
A female subject was in need of medical assistance on the east part of Selvester’s Cafe.
Call Type: Area Check, Wednesday 12:13 a.m., Citrus Avenue
Officer initiated activity at West Sacramento Avenue.
Call Type: Area Check, Thursday 2:00 a.m., Nord Avenue
Officer initiated activity at University Village.
Call Type: Medical Aid, Friday 14:48 a.m., Cherry Street
A subject needed the medical assistance at Wildcat Recreation Center.
Call Type: Medical Aid, Saturday 12:20 a.m., Legion Avenue
A subject needed the medical assistance at Whitney Hall.