Persons of all ages are welcomed, although the majority of volunteers/interns are graduates and current students Photo credit: Katia Berg
A Republican Victory Election Office opened in Chico on Saturday. The office, located on Mangrove Avenue, saw many protestors carrying anti-Trump signs on opening day. In return, Republicans counter-protested with anti-Hillary signs.
“It was a peaceful protest, but not at all surprising,” Jack Breuker, a Chico State student involved with the California College Republicans and the Chico State Republicans, said. “A lot of people like to associate ‘all’ Republicans as Trump supporters.”
The new office according to Breuker has no Trump administration funding.
“Opening an HQ here is not a new model,” Saulo Londono, campaign manager for the Republican North State victory headquarters, said. “The victory office has been tried and tested and guess what? It worked.”
Londono insists that victory offices are effective, and he refers to Andrew Coolidge and Reanette Fillmer, Republican council members of Chico who were elected on Nov. 4, 2014.
“I’d like to think the victories of those council members were thanks to our efforts,” Londono said. “And that’s only one piece of evidence that reflects the effectiveness of the Victory HQ.”
Victory headquarters are not uncommon throughout the state during election years. In bigger cities like Los Angeles, these offices are open year-round. It’s a different story for the North State Republicans. It took months of planning, receiving donations and coalition to get the center open.
Although a good amount of employees are volunteers, internships are also offered through Chico State. If one were to volunteer long enough and be willing to commit, an opportunity for paid employment could be possible. A large number of Chico Sate graduates continue to help and work for the organization.
“Our volunteers are mostly college and high school students,” Londono said. “But we need more younger voices–there isn’t enough.”
North State Republican Victory HQ is located on 1058 Mangrove Ave., Chico.
For Internship opportunities and general questions call (530)636-2GOP or email ChicoGOPHQ@gmail.com
Katia Berg can be reached at orionnewseditor@gmail.com or on twitter @katiaboli