The Environmental Affairs Council is working with Associated Students Dining to implement a policy that would aim to focus 20 percent of the A.S. food budget on “Real Food.” That being deemed as food that is fair trade, organic and produced within 250 miles of campus. Currently, an estimated 7 percent of the food on campus is deemed “real” and an estimated 1 percent of Sutter Dining Hall’s food fits that description.
Okay, ew.
I think A.S. Dining, especially those in charge of deciding what is served at Sutter Dining Hall, need to extend a full fledge apology to all the poor students who were subjected to a 99 percent “unreal” diet. Not to come off as higher than thou, or a snob as to what I would consume, but I’ve seen what Sutter Dining Hall has to offer. I’ve been subjected to the punishment of eating their meals during my time as a freshman. There is definitely room for improvement, and I am pleased to learn about the efforts the Environmental Affairs Council is implementing for a positive change.
We’ve all heard about the economic power of buying local and ultimately this decision will cut down on carbon emissions from shipping food up and down the state. I am excited to see the impact of this program and blessed be those incoming freshmen that dodge the horrors of Sutter Dining Hall’s past performance.
Amanda Irons can be reached at airons@theorion.com or @amanda_irons on Twitter