Last year's 'Vagina Monologues' cast
The A.S. Gender & Sexuality Equity Center will host Eve Ensler’s ‘The Vagina Monologues’ in the BMU Auditorium on Feb. 10 and 11. The play’s proceeds will benefit GSEC and organizations such as Catalyst Domestic Violence Services and Rape Crisis Intervention.
The play is a part of activist movement V-Day, which aims to end violence against girls and women. In the play, people with vaginas give speeches about various experiences, which include but are not limited to: sex, rape, periods and orgasms.
“I think it’s a common experience that folks with vulvas or vaginas don’t feel like they can talk about them, and talking about them feels dirty or it’s highly stigmatized,” said Rachel Ward, director of GSEC. “There’s a very empowering element to being able to be free or celebratory and sort of reclaim the power of a vulva or vagina.”
This gives other people a chance to not only relate to a topic that is seen as uncomfortable or taboo but also feel welcome to talk about a subject that is avoided. People with vaginas can relate and bond over experiences, while people without vaginas can receive somewhat of an understanding of the positives and negatives of having these parts.
“I think girls will leave the show feeling a sense of empowerment and a strong feeling of unity with other women,” said Madison Burnes, one of the narrators in the play. “I think guys will leave the show with a new understanding of the problems and discomfort women face in regards to their vaginas.”
Tickets are available for pre-sale at the University Box Office, $10 for students and $15 for general admission. They may also be bought at the door for $15 and $20 respectively.
The performance starts at 7 p.m. on Feb. 10 and at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Feb. 11.
Julia Maldonado can be reached at artseditor@theorion.com or @theorion_arts on Twitter.