As the semester comes to a close, stress levels are rising, and kindness is being appreciated more than ever.
I write an obsessive amount of my articles at the Naked Lounge Tea and Coffeehouse.
It’s nearing the point where I can mentally map out where all the outlets are. I know exactly the order of preference for where to sit. Despite my routine, the people there can still inspire me.
This week, I sat outside and tried to mentally convince myself that it is economically unsound to buy the Naked Mocha for a second week in a row. I contemplate the payoff of spending $4.40 for the tantalizing Ghirardelli and Mexican chocolate combination. In the midst of this mocha fantasy, the barista sets down a glass of what appears to be the sexiest shade of wheat brown I’ve ever laid eyes upon. Atop this glass of decadency sat a beautiful display of whipped cream.
Without hesitation, I turned to the drink’s owner and asked what it was, Homebrewers Mocha, he replied, the feature drink at Naked Lounge this month.
I expressed my affections for his drink choice. From here we talked about nothing of importance. The rain predominantly. After we shared a few more words, he asked me to watch his bike and rushed inside. When he returned, we exchanged names and a handshake. Then he was off.
I made my way to the Naked Lounge counter to place my order, only to be told that my drink was already paid for. The nice man that spoke about the rain had graciously paid for my very own Homebrewers Mocha.
If you have ever had a drink or a meal paid for by a stranger, you likely can relate to the euphoric wave of gratitude that crashes over your entire mood.
You hold a thank you behind pursed lips, because the person who you wish to thank is long gone. You inevitably smile. You can almost feel yourself glowing.
It’s kind actions like these that make stressful end-of-the-semester crunch weeks palatable. Prior to my mocha fantasies, I could feel the weight of the world as it huffed its hard breath upon my neck. I was trying to mentally schedule when I’d have time to complete assignments so I could have time to eat. The stress is enough to keep you awake at night, even though it’s 2 a.m. and you have class at 8 a.m.
Some call this kindness paying it forward and it can change the world. However you view it, be sure to practice the art of kindness.
Whether it’s buying the girl drooling over your drink one of her own, or simply holding the door open for the person behind you. You have the power to positively impact someone’s world. Do not hesitate.
Amanda Irons can be reached at or @Orion_opinion on Twitter.