Desmond Phillips (far right) holding a member of his family. His father says Phillips was very religious and spent most of his time reading the Bible or watching his videos Photo credit: Sean Martens
There was “no criminal liability” for the two officers involved with the police shooting and death of Desmond Phillips, Butte County District Attorney, Mike Ramsey said Thursday.
Phillips was shot several times by Chico Police after many attempts by them to subdue him. Phillips had a history of mental illness and was living with his father at the Knoll apartments on West 4th Ave. in Chico.
Ramsey held a press conference where he played the 9-1-1 tapes and walked everyone through the police shooting from March 17.
“The officers weren’t shooting recklessly,” Ramsey said. “They were shooting to stop a deadly threat to them and the others.”
Chico Police Chief, Michael O’Brien says the two officers will return to active duty.
George Johnston can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com or @gjohnston786 on Twitter.