
Aries – Drop the lone wolf routine and gear up for a solar-powered month of partnerships and joint ventures. Increase your chances for happiness and success by keeping an open mind to different types of people, not just those who match the items on your checklist. Pay more attention to what someone has to say and what his or her skills are than how they look in a leather jacket or miniskirt.

Taurus – Lace up your cross-trainers, get your bike out of storage and dust off your juicer or smoothie blender. You’re going to be busy for the next four weeks! Since adequate sleep is a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle, make a conscious effort to get to bed an hour earlier.

Gemini- Single? Flex those finger muscles and start some fires with Tinder. Don’t feel pressured to settle down. This is your time to explore, experiment and enjoy!

Cancer – You’re a nurturer by nature, so it won’t be hard for you to strengthen the ties that bind, especially with old friends and family members. Give your inner domestic goddess some room to stretch out and flex her muscles. She’s had a lot of ideas, but not many chances to put them into play.

Sagittarius – Let your hair down! Stop being boring. When you do have work to do, lighten your load by delegating some of your responsibility and a big chunk of control by letting others help out. Nothing’s better than creative synergy, plus it’s a great experience for the less experienced.

Aquarius – You are not studying enough. Mid-terms are starting next week. You’re not doing amazing sweetie. Get your stuff together and focus. This week will be crucial for you.

Scorpio – All the mysteries, subtexts and unspoken words that have troubled you since the beginning of the semester will become a thing of the past. While you’ll be relieved at the openness, you may need a little nudging to speak your truths. This doesn’t mean broadcasting your personal business in every conversation or Tweet, but it would be therapeutic to bring a few more, select people into your confidence.

Leo – With your natural sense of play and humor, you’ll be the ultimate activities director. Don’t wait around for invitations to come rolling in: Get the party started! Organize an autumn calendar of fun events for your posse: hikes, outdoor concerts, architectural tours and art walks and maybe even horseback-riding or a boat trip.

Virgo – Blow out the candles, have one more bite of that buttercream-frosted cake. Birthday time is over. Getting your finances in order and reeling in some new work becomes priority numero uno. Stop wasting money.

Libra – Happy birthday month! Unlike Virgos, you’re going to be to able save money during your birthday season. Be smart about it. Don’t be a Virgo.

Capricorn – It’s time to start thinking about internships. It’s your fourth year here and all you do during the summer is go back home and sleep. If you want to graduate, you need this. Stop being so lazy.

Pisces – On Saturday, your social circle may widen to include some charming (and sexy) folks from other countries or backgrounds. Combine your love of all these things by taking a language course or doing something that will satisfy your hunger. Who knows, Pisces? You might even get certified to teach English as a second language and start hunting for jobs overseas.

Roberto Fonseca can be reached at [email protected] or @rjfonseca13 on Twitter.