Photo credit: Sean Martens
Ted Herrera, faculty member of the Nutrition and Food Science Department, died from unknown reasons Friday.
Herrera had been teaching at Chico State since 2013 and he was 67, according to a press release.
Herrera left an impact in the lives of many students. “Personally, he impacted me just because he actually showed that he really cared about his students and us learning, he would talk to everyone one on one, ” said Aly Navarro, former student.
“A lot of students already reached out to me today… just hearing the news is so sad.”
Navarro said, “This past Tuesday he mentioned to us how much he loves his job and how much he looked forward coming to class.”
“He will be missed, he was a great professor and I think he was a big part of the Food Science department,” added Navarro.
Details about Herrera’s death are still developing.
Alejandra Fraga can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com or @alifragster on Twitter.