Chico State track and field thrower Joseph Ilaoa hopes to go pro after college. Photo credit: Carly Maxstone
Joseph Ilaoa is a thrower for Chico State’s track and field team. Ilaoa is in his junior year and continues to excel at the discus, shot put and hammer throws in his time as a Wildcat. Ilaoa’s most recent success includes his finishes at the Kim Duyst Invitational in Turclock where he finished second in both the discus and shot put.
Q: How did you first get involved with track and field?
A: I first got involved in my junior year of high school. It started off with a wager with me and my friend of who could throw the furthest. So, I did it, came out and actually became pretty good at it and that’s how I first started and I ended up here.
Q: How do you feel about your performance thus far?
A: I feel good about my performance so far, definitely more to improve, but I am happy to open up the season.
Q: Who or what has been your inspiration?
A: First and foremost God and my family. It’s always been my motivation to keep going and try to push to newer heights.
Q: Do you have any routines or rituals you perform before or after an event?
A: I definitely try to eat healthy. Start with a good meal, good rest and before my competition starts I say a little prayer.
Q: What are your goals for this season?
A: I’ve got a few. First, to stay healthy, improve and take it day by day. I definitely want to win CCAA and make it to nationals and score some points over there for the team.
Q: Do you see a future in track and field beyond college?
A: I definitely hope so. I’m in progress. I’m here now, so I’m focused on what’s here, but as time progresses I hope to try and go pro.
Q: What are your future goals?
A: My future goals are to try and lean off of discus and shot put and try to focus on hammer and see how far I can take that. If that works it would be cool to compete for my home country (American Samoa) and get dual citizenship and compete for them if I can’t make the U.S.A. team. That would be cool.
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Andrew Baumgartner can be reached at sportseditor@theorion.com or @abaum94 on Twitter.