Michael Curry, executive director of the Chico College Republicans, shown right of Meagan Ross, the group's event coordinator shortly after setting up for the day of discussion. Photo credit: Natalie Hanson
Second amendment rights and an open exchange of information about gun control was the topic of conversation and debate Monday, at a tabling event hosted by members of the Chico College Republicans.
Michael Curry, executive director, of the group said he got the idea from a YouTuber, Steven Crowder, who made a video “I’m pro-gun, change my mind.” Curry said he thought it would be a good way to have an open conversation at Chico State.
“I think it’s great we can have an open discussion,” Curry said. He said he hoped that both gun owners passionate about gun rights and those in favor of tighter gun control would show up.

Once that happened and students started talking, large portions of the event carried on without input from any members of the Chico College Republicans, as students stood in a circle and shared their thoughts openly.

David Brennock said he saw the table and group of people while leaving a class and went to the library to print out statistics to have numbers to lessen the confusion, but was surprised to see Curry had already done his homework.
“Honestly, it was a positive experience, I’m really glad Michael, the organizer, set this up,” Brennock said. “He had some really good points too. I expected him to be less informed, but he was very informed. Still wrong, in my mind, but very knowledgeable.”
After students dispersed for the afternoon, Curry spoke with The Orion saying, despite a few insults from some students walking by, he thought the event was a great success overall.
Josh Cozine can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com or @joshcozine on Twitter.