Chico Police:
Call Type: Domestic Violence
Monday, 2:30 a.m., White Avenue
A man was arrested for allegedly inflicting corporal injury on a spouse
Call type: Disorderly conduct
Monday, 6:11 a.m., West 9th Ave
A man was arrested for disorderly conduct while under the influence of drugs
Call Type: Trespassing
Tuesday, 9:22 p.m., 1500 Springfield Drive
A call was made about a woman trespassing in someone’s house.
Call Type: Illegal camping
Tuesday, 4:06 a.m., 100 Broadway Street
Police arrested a man for illegally camping and discovered he had an outstanding warrant.
Call Type: Controlled substances
Wednesday, 5:12 a.m., 400 Cedar Street
A man was charged with being in possession of controlled substances and selling them to others.
Call Type: Drunk driver
Wednesday, 1:25 a.m., West 4th Avenue
A call was made about a drunk driver. Police stopped and arrested the driver a short time later.
Call type: Drunk and Disorderly
Thursday, 10:32 p.m., 100 West East Avenue
Police arrested a man for being drunk and disorderly in public.
Call type: Drunk in public
Thursday, 6:02 p.m., 1300 East Avenue
A man was arrested for being drunk in public and charged with resisting arrest.
University Police:
Call Type: Drunk in Public
Monday,12:16 a.m., West 1st Street
A man in black clothes was arrested for public intoxication after yelling and throwing the lid of a trashcan into someone’s yard.
Call Type: Dog without Owner
Monday, 12:44 p.m., Student Services Center
A call was made about a dog that had been wondering around the area for 15 minutes with a leash attached to its collar but no owner.
Call type: Stolen bike
Tuesday, 7:15 p.m., University Village
A woman called to report that her bike had been stolen from University Village.
Call Type: Welfare Check
Tuesday, 9:39 p.m., Ayres Hall
Police checked on a man who had been drinking and was laying outside of Ayres Hall.