Chico Police
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Monday, Sept. 23 12:09 a.m., 800 Rio Chico Way
From what the caller can see on video, there may be a man half naked and masturbating in her front yard.
Call Type: Assault
Monday, Sept. 23 10:55 a.m., 1900 Mulberry St.
A coworker punched the caller in the shoulder to hurt the caller. The caller has a sore shoulder that the coworker was aware of. This was a reopened incident.
Call Type: Throw Object at Vehicle
Tuesday, Sept. 24, 12:00 p.m., 700 Cherry St.
A transient was picking up rocks and throwing them at the windows of parked vehicles.
Call Type: Juvenile Problem
Tuesday, Sept. 24, 5:44 p.m., 300 Antelope Creek Ave.
The caller has Nest footage of a “gang” of juveniles that are “up to no good.”
Call Type: Prowler
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2:09 a.m., 00 Canterbury Cir.
Someone knocked on the wall or window of the caller’s bedroom. Caller yelled back in hopes of scaring the person. The caller is 88, home alone with her small dog, and too afraid to look.
Call Type: Drunk in Public
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 3:14 a.m., 1000 Windsor Way
A college age male was on the caller’s porch. Caller believes the person thinks he’s at the house of someone he knows.
Call Type: Disturbance
Thursday, Sept. 26, 11:07 a.m., 100 Main St.
A male subject was screaming at passersby, saying he was going to hurt them and wanted them to die. While he was not physical with anyone, he was “getting in their face.”
Call Type: Civil Problem
Thursday, Sept. 26, 2:36 p.m., 200 W 1st St.
Caller approached someone and asked for cigarettes and gave them 50 cents. Caller was given an empty cigarette. The person then grabbed the caller’s backpack, trying to hold him down to ask for drugs. The caller gave them $5 to let him go.
Call Type: Disturbance
Friday, Sept. 27, 10:26 a.m., E 8th St./Pine St.
Older man was yelling at customers at the taco truck and refusing to leave. Later moved on to Little Caesars, which doesn’t open until 11, pounding on the doors.
Call Type: Fight
Friday, Sept. 27, 6:55 p.m., 2000 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy.
Two males were in a physical fight and dumping alcohol on each other.
Call Type: Juvenile Problem
Saturday, Sept. 28, 2:36 p.m., 1000 E 16th St.
Man was taking a walk near the school and saw juveniles on the roof. There was an additional juvenile out front who appeared to be acting like a lookout.
Call Type: Drunk in Public
Saturday, Sept. 28 10:39 p.m., 100 W 2nd St.
Male passed out in front of Beach Hut. He had been denied entry to the Banshee, walked away, and passed out.
Call Type: Drunk in Public
Sunday, Sept. 29 2:39 a.m., Esplanade/7th Ave.
Woman in all black was standing in the middle of Esplanade. Caller was worried about her.
Call Type: Suspicious Suspect
Sunday, Sept. 29 4:32 p.m., 500 E Lassen Ave.
Group of subjects were looking at parked cars in the lot. Last week the same group were in the area and registration tags were stolen off multiple vehicles.
University Police
Call Type: Medical Aid
Monday, Sept. 23, 500 Block of Warner St.
Call Type: Vehicle Stop
Monday, Sept. 23, Warner St./Ivy St.
Call Type: Medical Aid
Tuesday, Sept. 24, Esken Hall
Call Type: Outside Warrant Arrest Misdemeanor
Tuesday, Sept. 24 Block of W. 1st St.
Call Type: Welfare Check
Wednesday, Sept. 25, Esken Hall
Call Type: DUI Alcohol Only
Thursday, Sept. 26, Block of Ivy St./W 1st St.
Call Type: Elevator Malfunction
Thursday, Sept. 26, Bell Memorial Union
Call Type: Drunk in Public
Friday, Sept. 27, 200 Block of Normal Ave.
Call Type: Animal Call
Friday, Sept. 27, 0 Block of Main St.
Call Type: Drunk in Public
Saturday, Sept. 28, Block of W. 2nd St./Hazel St.
Call Type: Disturbance
Saturday, Sept. 28, 200 Block of Normal Ave.
Call Type: Vandalism/Graffiti
Sunday, Sept. 29, 200 Block of W. 1st St.
Call Type: Welfare Check
Sunday, Sept. 29, Langdon Engineering Center