Vacation by definition is a relaxing time, but not for students taking theirs at the beginning or middle of the school year.
I happened to be one of those student who went on vacation at the worst possible time of the year.
Being the type of person who doesn’t have a whopping amount of spontaneity, I always hesitate about going on trips out of the blue.
Leaving school to go on a trip always feels like a risk.
On my most recent voyage, I set out to New York only two weeks into the new semester. While the trip was fun, I couldn’t help but to think about the reading on Helen Keller and unions that awaited me when I got back.
Missing a week felt like missing a month. Not only with school work, but also in terms of friends.
When I got back people had cut their hair. Romantic relationships were newly formed, some even made awkward.
I had felt like I was gone forever.
But, it’s really refreshing to see how things change over time and how quickly change can happen. Even if it is just someone changing their hair, or getting a boyfriend.
A vacation in the middle of the school year can give you a well needed break, away from taking quizzes and writing papers.
That vacation also time let me take a look at my life. Because I was away I was freed from the social responsibilities that take up anyone’s time.
Being away and able to take time to reflect can make a vacation, at any time of the year worthwhile.
Prin Mayowa can be reached at opinioneditor@theorion.com or@PrinSupreme on Twitter.