Neighbrhds is hosting its first hidden cash giveaway contest in Chico beginning on Monday, Dec. 15, according to a media release by Urban Living Marketing.
The company will be hiding orange envelopes full of cash in Chico all week and will leak clues via their social media accounts and through the Neighbrhds app.
“Each day, we will release a basic clue on our social media accounts,” said Bill Fishkin, CEO of Urban Living Marketing.
“In addition, an exclusive, in-depth clue will be released on our Neighbrhds Chico app. Only those with the app installed will have access to the clues,” Fishkin said. “The app will send out push notifications when users are close to an envelope spot.”
At the end of the week, the company and STAR Community Credit Union will choose one participant to win a prize of $500.
To win the prize, users can search out and find the envelopes. Or if it has already been retrieved, take a selfie in the location and upload it to the Neighbrhds Facebook page or tweet it to @neighbrhds with the hashtag #HiddenCashChico in order to be eligible.
Users can also enter the giveaway by completing the entry form on the Neighbrhds Chico app, which is free on Apple and Android devices.
“We will be sharing some of our favorite selfies from the game at the end of each day, so be sure to smile for the camera,” Fishkin said.
Neighbrhds is a product of Urban Living Marketing, a company in the community mobile app market. The company has experience in real state, marketing, social media and the design industry.
The Neighbrhods app provides a list of the top local businesses and is a curated community social feed with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram notifications.
Madison Holmes can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com or @madisonholmes95 on Twitter.