Student lack of awareness of sexual misconduct—not anymore.
In an attempt to expand sexual misconduct awareness, Chico State is making “Not Anymore” mandatory for all students by requiring continuing and graduate students to take a 20-minute refresher course each year.
“Not Anymore” is an interactive video program designed to teach students how to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking.
CSU campuses are required by the CSU Chancellor’s office to implement education programs to promote awareness of policies against sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. In addition, the program is also to promote awareness of victim resources available.
Continuing students, graduate students and newly admitted spring 2017 students are required to complete the program with a score of at least 80 percent by April 1, 2017. A registration hold will be placed on the records of students who do not complete the program which will prevent registration for future semesters.
“In the near future, Chico State will offer in-person, equivalent, training that can be used to meet the annual refresher training obligations,” a campus announcement said. “Notices concerning these equivalent trainings will be posted throughout the year.”
Bianca Quilantan can be reached at or @theorion_news on Twitter