As the NFL dedicates the month of October to raising awareness for breast cancer, Chico State athletes have also taken strides to show their support.
The NFL is allowing players to wear pink accessories and decorate their fields with pink lettering. Chico State athletes cannot modify their field but are allowed to sport pink shoes or headbands, according to women’s volleyball senior setter Torey Thompson.
“We have the option to show our support by wearing pink bows or pink shoes through the entire month of October if we wanted to,” Thompson said.
While each sport is free to customize their accessories to raise awareness, the volleyball team has created an event for it, with a night dedicated to wearing pink shirts. Senior forward on the women’s soccer team Pooja Patel hadn’t noticed anyone on her team showing support on the field.
“We are definitely allowed to wear pink accessories in support of breast cancer awareness, just nobody has done it yet this season,” Patel said.
Although the Wildcats have yet to actively participate, they have held events to show support in the past according to Patel.
“We haven’t done anything yet this year, but I know in previous years we have worn pink warm up shorts before our game to show our support,” Patel said.
Sophomore forward Isaiah Ellis of the men’s basketball team said the team has yet to begin its season, with the first match on Nov. 2 but has recognized the participation by other athletic groups.
“We recognize the effort that is being created,” Ellis said. “Our team might try to do something to support the cause during our scrimmage game on Oct. 29, but it is up to the coach.”
To raise support on the court, Thompson said that the team not only modifies its uniforms but also holds an event called “Dig for a Cure.”
“We have a breast cancer awareness night called ‘Dig for a Cure’ and we have t-shirts that our whole team wears,” Thompson said. “The t-shirt has a breast cancer ribbon on it and reads ‘Dig for a Cure’ to show support and raise awareness for breast cancer.”
Junior long jumper Javonne Bradford has yet to begin his collegiate career at Chico State but has already begun to show his support by sporting a pink shirt and wristbands.
“It’s the emotional support of any means that is important,” Bradford said. “That’s why I’m wearing pink, to show my support.”
Chico State and the NFL are not the only ones choosing to show support during the month of October, as the MLB dedicates specific weeks to the cause. The baseball organization also raises awareness during their Mother’s Day events.
The NFL is leading the way when it comes to breast cancer awareness, but other sports are starting to implement the color pink into their sports as well. This tradition has begun to trickle down to the collegiate level, as college athletes begin to follow in the same footsteps as professional sports teams.
Jordan Jarrell can be reached at or @theorion_sports on Twitter