A new Veteran’s Affairs building opened Aug. 27 on 1601 Concord Ave. in Chico.
This new clinic is replacing the old care facility on 280 Cohasset Road. New services offered include optometry, ophthalmology, audiology, dentistry, physical therapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation, chiropractic and prosthetics.

The Concord Ave. clinic is roughly double the size of the old building on Cohasset at 42,000 square feet. It offers more support for the 9000 veterans living within Butte county.
The opening of the new clinic makes traveling between Chico and Redding, (an hour long drive), no longer a requirement for any veteran needing the specific services that were only offered in Redding or Sacramento.
Besides the new healthcare services, all current services will still be available at the new facility. The facility also directly benefits the veterans that go to Chico State, offering the same services that otherwise might be out of budget for veteran students.
This new facility offers veterans of the community the convenience, care and compassion they so deserve for protecting freedoms and serving this country.
Abram Melendez can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com.