College is a place where many foster their creativity through art and pour it into their passions or prospects. Whether it’s for a major or a hobby, that spirit of creativity can be cultivated in college. Students’ writing may be reserved for class or their personal journal, but The Orion is eager to share students’ stories, poems and more literary work with the Orion readership.
If you are a Chico State student and would like to submit your literary work for a chance to be published in The Orion you can fill out this Google form.
Please use your Chico State email address to verify that you are a Chico State student.
Student submissions are sorted into three categories, but not limited to those. The categories are poetry, non-fiction and fiction. Students also will have the opportunity to share a bio about themselves so readers can meet the authors.
If students would prefer to have their work published anonymously, we still require a name and Chico State email address to be submitted, but works can still be published anonymously.
If your work is selected you will receive an email in regards to further steps and details.
Chris Hutton can be reached at or