There are times when I’m doing my homework and think, “Thank God for the Internet.”
Actually I’m thankful for the Internet all the time, whether I’m doing my homework or not.
As millennials, we have grown up around social media. First Myspace then Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, the list goes on and on.
In fact, I received an email the other day of a new course being offered at Chico State: Journalism 398.
The email reads, “You’ve grown up with the tools – Facebook, Instagram….now learn how to apply your journalistic skills to social channels in pursuit of business goals.”
If that’s the case now, what are classes going to be like for kids who grew up learning to draw on an iPad?
Sure, it’s helpful to have educational games and colorful animated pop-ups to help read. But a dependency on technology will begin to form at a very young age if learning keeps shifting toward electronics.
Teachers have already turned to reading from tablets in class in England.
Kids won’t want to lay down and read a book at night and actually feel the pages turning. And rightly so as it is unfamiliar.
They may not want to sit down at all after all the fun learning games. Electronics mess with attention rates, I can personally attest to that.
Technological progression is a good thing, but when it comes to kids, teaching should have division between learning and electronics.
Julianna Eveland can be reached at opinioneditor@theorion.com or @janeca12 on Twitter.