Funeral services and a memorial will be held for Chico State student Marc Thompson next week.
The funeral will be held Monday, Oct. 6 at 10:00am at Chico Seventh Day Adventist Church
A celebration in remembrance of Thompson will be the following day on campus.
Thompson, a sociology and psychology major, was the Commissioner of Multicultural Affairs for the Associated Students during the 2012-2013 academic year.
His body was found in a burning vehicle around 7 p.m. off a rural highway 42 miles east of Chico Sept. 3.
The memorial will start at 6 p.m. in Chico Performing Arts Center 144.
There will be a preview of the documentary “If These Halls Could Talk,” which featured Thompson and 11 other college students who were brought together to discuss what it was like to be students of different races.
A sharing of memories will take place at the WildCat Leadership Center in the Bell Memorial Union 220 immediately following the celebration.
Flowers and condolence cards can be sent to Scheer Memorial Chapel, which will be handling funeral arrangements.
Donations to the Marc Thompson Funeral Fund can be made online at the family’s fundraising page.
David McVicker can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com or @DavidPMcVicker on Twitter.