Chico Police Department
Call Type: Domestic Dispute Thursday 1:08 p.m., Rio Lindo Avenue
“Female tows husband’s vehicle in parking lot after being reported to have vandalized house. Currently both are in the process of divorce over dissolution of marriage.”
Call Type: Open Container Thursday 11:36 a.m., W. Sacramento Avenue
“Man refuses to leave Bubbles Laundry while consuming alcohol. The previous delinquent finally leaves the establishment on foot with an open container toward Safeway.”
Call Type: Annoying Phone Calls Thursday 1:59 p.m., Nord Avenue
“A 59-year-old male called into 911 several times and requested officer assistance to come and have them ‘shove (keys and a pizza box) up their ass.’ He then persisted to yell, ‘knick knack patty whack’ on his third call.”