University Police
Call Type: Medical aid Thursday, 10:54 p.m., Tehama Hall
“Student passed out after reportedly having problems with her sight.”
Chico Police
Call Type: Petty theft Thursday, 12:35 p.m., Costco
“A woman left her car unlocked while going for a 15 minutes grocery run and afterwards returned to her vehicle noticing her brown chihuahua had been stolen.”
Call Type: Drunk in public Thursday, 2:05 p.m., 8th & Main Antiques
“A man had a metal pole in his hand going around town ponding on things. He had been too intoxicated for jail and was brought to Enloe Medical Center.”
Call Type: Assault/battery Thursday, 10:37 p.m., Sycamore field
“At the picnic tables in the park a woman had been attacked by a male suspect who sliced her face and body with a knife. The woman refused medical treatment and would not make a police report. An inmate had advised police that it is not the first time that the suspect has cut a female.”
Call Type: Accident Thursday, 4:03 p.m., Highway 32 mini mart
“A man not familiar with Chico had turned left from the right lane towards the Valero station but had forgot that it is a one-way street. He collided into another vehicle causing a minor injury.”