University Police Department
Call Type: Welfare Check Monday, University Village
“Reporting party reports son went to an orientation at San Jose State and became infatuated with a girl online he has never met. Son sent text stating he does not know what to do as he is in love and feels he needs to kill himself over never getting to further the relationship. Contacted student in night class, determined to not be threat.”
Call Type: Suspicious Circumstance Monday, Meriam Library
“Reporting party called police after subject came out of Meriam Library wrapped in an oversized, brown, plaid blanket.”
Call Type: Graffiti Monday, 8 a.m. Physical Science Building
“Southeast corner of Physical Science Building with silver spray paint “slick” “yoha$.”
Call Type: Suspicious Suspect Monday 9:29 a.m. University Village
“Two white female adults on foot near car with tires slashed, beige-colored coupe or sedan. Sedan had a blow out and pulled into UV to change tire.”
Call Type: Welfare Check Monday, 11:56 a.m. Legion Avenue
“White female wearing a hat laying down on Arcadian and Legion Avenue, decided to take a nap in that spot. No further assistance needed.”
Call Type: Graffiti Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. Butte Hall
“Found graffiti again on the third floor hallway. No further action was taken.”
Call Type: Non Injury Hit and Run Tuesday, 10:49 a.m. Parking Structure 2
“A white Ford Ranger was hit on the fourth floor of the parking structure on Normal Avenue. There was damage to the right rear, but no one got hurt.”
Chico Police Department
Call Type: Possible Drug Activity Monday 10:51 a.m. Mangrove Ave.
“Group of four transients at Radio Shack. Subjects on back loading deck, believed to be shooting heroin. Shipment coming in soon, employees not comfortable contacting group under these circumstances.”
Call Type: Shoplifting Monday 5:18 p.m. West East Avenue
“Woman in yellow rain suit fled Save Mart with coat full of groceries. Believed to have stolen alcohol bottles.”
Call Type: Vandalism Monday 9:48 p.m. Fair Street
“Suspect visited business wanting free food. Upset when employee told him no. Broke front window with some kind of tool. Attacked a pedestrian down the road, refused to stand by for police and left on a skateboard. Armed with a taser.”
Call Type: Suspicious Suspect Monday 6:42 a.m. Cherry Street
“Woman reports an unknown person standing by her front window. Believes they are using her cell phone to put images on her TV. Subject has been outside for last hour. Same call yesterday was determined to be unfounded.”
Call Type: Assault/Battery Tuesday, 10:07 a.m. Amanda Way
“Victim went to her mom’s house to ask for money for her popped tire. Her mother then swung at her and puller her hair. The victim told police to talk to her but that she wasn’t pressing charges. After talking to the police, the mother insisted that the victim tried to enter her house and she was only protecting herself. The police called the victim back to inform her to stay away from the house and the victim agreed commenting that her mother is crazy.”
Call Type: Annoying Phone Calls Tuesday, 11:10 a.m. Sunset Avenue
“Staff member of Paradise High suspects that some students are leaving annoying voicemails on his phone.”
Call Type: Assault/Battery Tuesday, 2:42 p.m. Lassen Avenue
“Victim reported that her niece beat her up after she was trying to keep her away from her brother. Niece became verbal and tried to leave upon abusing the victim. The victim is looking at putting a restraining order on her niece.”
Call Type: Harassment Tuesday, 5:10 p.m. E 4th Avenue
“Person received texts from an unknown number. But the messenger was texting very personal information and started threatening them.”