I will admit that I, like 100 million other people according to the New York Times, have picked up and read “Fifty Shades of Grey” by E.L. James — well, half of it anyway.
I didn’t want to be seen reading it since it’s known for its terrible writing. So I downloaded the book on my tablet and decided to find out for myself what all the fuss was all about.
I was reading naughty stuff and no one knew.
It started out OK. Nothing too bad. The writing proved to be awful, but what could one expect of fan fiction?
But then there came a point at which things started to get a little too weird — weird enough that I had to stop reading.
I came upon something horrifying. Reader, be warned, for what I’m about to say may shock you.
Christian Grey makes Anastasia taste her own blood.
Yes, that’s what I said. He makes her taste blood from her vagina, and she liked it.
Let that sink in.
I think one can understand now why I didn’t finish the book, and why I hope the movie is better.
I will give it a chance just like I gave the book a chance.
Normally I hate when changes are made to movies based on books. But in this case I would welcome them, like leaving that whole blood-tasting scene out.
Before condemning me for wanting to watch the movie, let me just say that I’m aware of the abusive relationship portrayed in the book. But that was in the book.
No one has seen the movie yet so one can’t really hate on it without seeing it.
Maybe their relationship will be portrayed differently in the movie.
So I’m going to watch the movie and come to my own conclusion.
People should stop trying to make others feel bad for making the same decision. If I want to see what some may call porn on Valentine’s Day, then God damn it, I will.
Stop shaming women for wanting to see steamy scenes on the big screen. Last time I checked, sex is a part of life, no matter what kind of sex people might be into.
The movie could take a different turn and not portray what some people hated in the books.
Maybe the impossible will happen — the movie could be better than the book.
Daisy Dardon can be reached at opinioneditor@theorion.com or @daisydardon on Twitter.