“Does the trunk of your elephant point up or down?” my editor asked me.
She was referring to the big black elephant on my tapestry, but I couldn’t help laugh at the phallic blatancy.
Up of course. It’s good luck.
That’s common knowledge.
In Chico’s college culture, tapestries define a house. Every house has one, making an original tapestry that much more respectable.
After furnishing one’s home with the bare necessities – a magic bullet, FIFA, a couch that will inevitably be burned at the stoop one night – one must consider the walls.
Face it, the walls of any Chico home are cracked, dented or stained. But tapestries offer a fresh start to this dirty situation.
Affordable, stylish and large, tapestries will hide any blemish on a wall, while also establishing a house vibration.
Whether tenants are laid-back, superstitious, posers or stoners, tapestries have influence over a household’s reputation.
If you’re only tapestry portrays a caterpillar smoking hashish atop a mushroom, which can most likely be found in Spencer’s between a black light poster of Lil Wayne’s hair and a pair of vibrating panties, welcome to the herd. You’re either a poser or an Alice in Wonderland fanatic who lacks originality.
Search for authenticity.
Among themes like nature, religion, music, peace, and psychedelic drugs, there are unique tapestries to compliment all tastes.
Enjoy the search. Don’t settle for something that is mass-produced.
Separate your house from the pack and flaunt your trippy, hippie vibrations.
This is Chico!
Miles Inserrra can be reached at opinioneditor@theorion.com or @m_inserra on Twitter