The working man and college student alike need their fix of caffeine to function. Without it comes the headache and the irritation, the drowse that leads to a stupor, because caffeine is a drug and as such causes withdrawal symptoms.
But wake up and smell the coffee beans.
I cannot advocate soda or energy drinks because I take no pleasure in gulping down carbonation. But coffee is one cause I can support.
Hopping out of bed to a freshly brewed pot of French roast to kickstart the day. The strong scent that even lures kids to sip until they learn it’s too strong, and probably too hot. Just the thought of coffee is appealing.
Coffee has culture: how and where the seeds are planted, foamy latte art, supporting the corner coffee shop.
Coffee helps regulate the economy. As long as coffee shops are in business people will buy coffee. And people will always buy coffee because caffeine is addicting so bistros will always stay in business.
Chico alone has an impressive number of coffee shops from original bistros like the Naked Lounge or Beatniks Coffee House and Breakfast Joint to famous franchises such as Dutch Bros., Starbucks or Peet’s. Students take pride in their favorite coffee shop.
Some drink coffee purely for pleasure and others need that cup of Joe in the morning to make it to class, and a few more throughout the day so as not to crash.
Whatever their habits, students of Chico State are not, and will not, limit their coffee intake.
Miles Inserra can be reached at opinioneditor@theorion.com or @m_inserra on Twitter