The 18th annual Town Hall Meeting took place at Chico State on Wednesday night. Students from both Chico State and Butte College participated in discussing solutions for contemporary policy problems.
Policy problems ranged from climate change to sexual crimes on campus, and students are able to discuss the topics that they find most interesting or important.
The evening began with an introduction in the Bell Memorial Union and was followed by breakout sessions in which students discussing the same issues gathered together in large groups to go over the solutions that they researched and invented.
“This event gives students and community members an opportunity to collaborate on civic issues,” said Susan Elrod, interim provost for Academic Affairs.
Some students discussed the water shortage in California and debated solutions such as amending water laws, planting water-tolerant plants, implementing desalination plants and copying other successful countries such as Australia and Singapore.
Consultants Jesse Dizard, a professor in the anthropology department, and Juleah Cordi, an agricultural water and natural resources professional, offered information and proposed questions to students.
Some other issues, such as youth mental health and disparity in criminal justice were discussed at the Town Hall Meeting and left students feeling hopeful and successful in their research and planning.
“This event represents several hallmarks of what we’re proud of at Chico State,” Elrod said. “Engagement and service are central to our campus community.”
Courtney Weaver can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com or @theorion_news on Twitter.