Chico State hosted its fourth Western States Collegiate Sales Competition April 23 and 24 in Colusa Hall and the Student Services Center. There were 200 participants from 15 different schools in the nation. Competitors pitched a sale of their own creation in front of possible employers.
The two-day event gave students who participated the opportunity to meet more than 50 recruiters from 20 different companies.
The companies sponsor this event in hopes to find new employees.
Earlier this semester students were given two different product lines to sell. For the competition students had to act as a sales force for both those products and try to sell the products for 12 minutes to a fake buyer.
“Students have to address questions such as what the company’s concerns are, what their needs are and this is how we could help you,” Raofpur said.
During the competition students are recorded and that video is then streamed to another room where five to seven recruiters judge each student.
“The reason why the recruiters come is because they see some of the top people come out of these colleges for sales and it’s a recruiting tool for them and that is why it’s beneficial for students to go and compete and do really well,” said Sean Woulfe, a volunteer from this year’s competition.
For individual performance, Chico State’s Myles Amitin won first place with a prize of $1,500. Dylan Brix from Chico State received second place and a $1,000 prize. Chico State also won first place for overall team performance out of the 15 schools.
Brianne McEvoy can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com or @theorion_news on Twitter.