A wild mix of genres will be on display at 1078 Gallery Friday night with performances from progressive rock bands Eat the World, Echelon Rift and electronic band Disco Church.
The show beings at 8 p.m., and all of the artists are stationed out of Chico. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. and the cover is $5.
“They’re all students up and coming in the music scene,” said Christina Springer, the gallery’s booker. “We are stoked to showcase new and rising acts.”
“All of the bands play for the sake of making good music,” said Zack Sanders, lead guitarist and vocalist. “The show is going to be all about music that powerfully and purely quenches our thirst for empathy.”
Tom Sundgren can be reached at artseditor@theorion.com or @tomsundgren on Twitter.