A person wakes up at 3 a.m. from a buzzing on their phone. Three text messages, two missed calls and one voicemail that all happen to be from the same person. Feelings of irritation rush over because they are tired of people always checking up on them.
Society has created a stigma around the idea of caring too much about anyone. It’s assumed that if someone wants to get anywhere in life they must be cut off from their emotions and become a selfish person.
Everyone thinks that catching feelings for someone can disrupt the goals they are striving so hard to complete.
Well, it isn’t. Showing someone how much love you have for them is never a bad habit. Do they like flowers? Go buy a dozen. Good morning texts? Send them.
Insecurities are fabricated by the notion that caring is an omen. Everyone thinks too hard about sending that second text or overthinking every action the other person takes.
Being straightforward about the feelings that are there can make everything simple, because dancing around the subject never accomplishes anything.
Appearing needy is not what others want to be perceived as by their love interest. The most desired characteristic is independence.
That should not be confused with not caring because being independent means one can do daily tasks without having someone there to coach them through everything.
Tenderness is seen as a weakness when it should be viewed as a strength. There is strength in being able to pick yourself up after the pieces have shattered and learning how to care for another human being again.
Teenagers play this game where they see who can care less. They see having no emotions for someone as a good character trait when in actuality, they should be pouring their souls into one another.
It has warped them into believing that relationships are distant and cold when they are rich and fulfilling. Caring about someone so much can enable one to learn something new every day.
Becoming emotionally invested in someone is not bad. By avoiding feelings, society is missing out on the deep connections they can make with one another.
These connections are the ones that keep life moving forward and make it interesting.
So send The One that second text because who knows what kind of impact it can make on the relationship.
Elizabeth Ernster can be reached at opinioneditor@theorion.com or @Liz_Ernster on Twitter.