Chico Police Department
Call Type: Vandalism 10:49 a.m., Park Avenue
Reporting person found fresh feces on the back of his business sign and smeared on his front window. There was a pair of pants and socks left behind at the scene.
Call Type: Found Property 8:43 a.m., Oleander Avenue
A backpack was found at Butte County Public Health. The backpack was full of paper, underwear and spray cans. The backpack was disposed of in the trash.
Call Type: Drunk in Public 3:04 p.m., Locust Street
Three intoxicated persons were outside one of their homes. One threw up on the driveway and caused a disturbance. Police were contacted and moved the individuals along elsewhere.
Call Type: Stalled Vehicle 9:16 p.m., Heritage Lane
A green Dodge Caravan stalled in the middle of the road while the driver just stood on the side of the road.
Call Type: Refusing to Leave 12:55 a.m. Manzanita Court
A female was eating off other people’s tables at Denny’s and was asked to leave. The individual was then escorted outside of the restaurant until police arrived. The female was counseled outside the Denny’s. Her bike was impounded by Chico Police.
Brandon Eiges can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com or @theorion_news on Twitter.