Chico Police Department
Call type: Loose Animal, 8:18 a.m., East Eighth Street
Large pitbull type dog loose on Eighth Street in traffic.
Call type: 415-Subject, 11:04 a.m., 202 W. 1st St.
Female by the creek yelling profanities.
Call type: Neighbor Dispute, 11:29 a.m., 390 Rio Lindo Ave.
Male and female yelling at each other in the laundry room over the laundry rules.
Call Type: Harassment, 11:31 a.m., 533 Orange St.
Caller reported that she is being harassed and threatened by her roommate.
Call Type: Residential Burglary, 12:51 p.m., 817 Ivy St.
A male subject came into the house and stole $60 cash from the caller and residents. The subject also sexually abused one of the residents. Nobody called the police when this took place.
University Police Department
Call Type: Suspicious Subject, 1:35 a.m., West Sacramento Avenue
A suspicious subject near the bike racks at Esken Hall. He was wearing a red hat, grey shirt and black backpack. He was passing back and forth.
Call Type: Illegal Use of Credit/ATM Card, 1:22 p.m., Unknown
Reporting he lost his wallet yesterday somewhere between his apartment complex and Student Services Center. Unknown person is now using his ATM card.
Call Type: Suspicious Circumstance, 5:44 p.m., Warner Street
Discovered broken glass glued under at least one table at Tehama Hall. Very few details given in the call.
Suzy Leamon can be reached at newseditor@theorion.com or @susanleamon on Twitter.