There might be a change of plans for the upcoming California Faculty Association strike.
In an email sent by CFA president Jen Eagan to California State University faculty, she states discussion between the CFA and the CSU chancellors office have resumed.
The CFA and CSU management have agreed to a two-day “blackout period” where both sides will see if they can come to an agreement about faculty salaries.
Eagan states in the email, “During this quiet time we hope to develop an agreement that not only settles this contract reopener but also can lead to an improved relationship between the faculty and the CSU administration.”
If discussions don’t come to a settlement between the CFA and CSU management within the 48-hour time-frame, the strike is still planned to happen on April 13-15 and April 18-19.
George Johnston can be reached at or @gjohnston786 on Twitter.