Chico Police Department
Call Type: Aggressive subject, Saturday, 11:34 a.m., PDQ Market and Deli
Female very agitated, sitting on top of her car. There’s a very agitated small child in her vehicle not secured by his carseat. Mom is smoking and yelling in the phone.
Call Type: Animal welfare check, Sunday, 4:15 p.m., Oakwood Condos
Pit bull fights taking place outside in the courtyard. Multiple residents calling into Shield Security dispatch center. Can hear the dogs fighting in the background and people cheering.
Call Type: Suspicious subject, Monday, 12:30 p.m., Vacant building
Suspect outside school yard sharpening some sort of stick. Suspect has not tried to approach students.
Call Type: Aggressive subject, Tuesday, 9:21 a.m., Gearhead Barbershop
Female just entered the barbershop saying that zombies are after her. They are afraid she is going to assault someone. Believed to be under the influence.
Call Type: Aggressive subject, Wednesday, 1:26 p.m., Chipotle Mexican Grill
Suspect verbal and cursing, now leaving Chipotle toward southbound Mangrove Avenue. Male yelling at vehicle and waving around a large stick with a bag attached to it.
Call Type: Aggressive subject, Thursday, 3:54 p.m., McDonald’s
Male subject sitting in vehicle in parking lot screaming profanities. Suspect mad that he was asked to leave after sitting in the restaurant for four hours.
Call Type: Suspicious subject, Friday, 5:06 p.m., West Ninth Street
Male subject on the corner with a red shopping cart and a plastic bat. Subject is hitting an electrical box with the plastic bat and yelling at everyone.
University Police Department
Call Type: Medical aid with alcohol, Saturday, 1:43 a.m., Whitney Hall
Subject intoxicated in the first floor lobby, slurred speech, rambling, unable to swipe card.
Call Type: Assist other agency, Sunday, 4:09 p.m., Transit Center
Report of a fight at the Transit Center involving several transients with one possibly down.
Call Type: Suspicious subject, Monday, 11:33 p.m., University Police Department
Subject threw liquid on front door, black male adult, beard, light blue shirt. Gone on arrival.
Call Type: Suspicious subject, Tuesday, 7:37 p.m., Cherry Street parking structure
Subject sitting on edge over the rail eating a burrito and drinking coffee.
Call Type: Harassment, Wednesday, 8:25 p.m, University Village
Reporting person advising she broke up with boyfriend a few months ago, and he has been randomly showing up at her apartment.
Call Type: Medical aid with alcohol, Thursday, 10:47 p.m., Whitney Hall
Male subject vomiting in the ninth floor men’s restroom. Arrest made.
Call Type: Non-injury accident, Friday, 11:44 a.m., Normal Avenue parking structure
Reporting person in lobby advising she sideswiped a vehicle pulling in to park on the top deck.
Michael Catelli can be reached at [email protected] or @michaelcatelli on Twitter.