The Janet Turner Print Museum opened its first exhibition last Monday; it is titled Visual Metrics: Print and Poetry. It will stay open until Oct. 1.
Print and Poetry is a collaboration between visual imagery and poetry. Advanced poetry students were instructed to select a print they connected with, and the top poems are featured alongside a variety of prints.
“I collaborated with the English department, specifically Jeanne Clark. We worked with students last semester,” the Curator Catherine Sullivan said. “It took about a year of planning.”
The exhibit’s style is called ekphrasis, which are vivid poems that describe a work of art. Students will read their poetry at the museum on Sept. 20. It is open to the public.
“Poetry isn’t about simple rhymes,” Sullivan said. “It is an art and it lives in your imagination. Wouldn’t it be cool to see it?”
For more information visit The Turner website.
Katia Berg can be reached at or @katiaboli on Twitter