Chico Police:
Call Type: Subject, 9:25 a.m., Monday, Humboldt Avenue
A female was spotted half dressed walking through traffic, yelling and screaming. No further action was taken.
Call Type: Petty theft, 11:06 a.m, Wednesday, Cohasset Avenue
A women treated herself to a gel manicure and pedicure totaling $65. Her card was declined, then she proceeded to get her checkbook out of her car and fled the scene.
Call Type: Resist a peace officer, 7:37 a.m., Saturday, Nord Avenue
A female customer refused to leave a convince store because of a non-winning lotto scratcher. She continued to ramble and make false statements about herself. No further action was taken.
University Police:
Call Type: Petty theft, 4:33 p.m., Monday, Soccer Stadium W. Sacramento Avenue
There were 4-5 male teens on bikes that jumped over a fence and took off with Chico State soccer players backpacks and property. The teens fled on bikes, then team members checked out the area.
Call Type: Littering and urinating in public, Sunday, Warner Street
A drunk shirtless woman exposed her private area and urinated in public.
Call Type: Sexual assault, 9 a.m., Friday, Unknown address
The health center requested an officer when a Chico State student was assaulted while walking home.
Call Type: Transient call, 6:38a.m., Thursday, Normal Avenue
A witness reported someone camping and urinating in the rose garden area. Subject was gone when police arrived.
Amber Martin can be reached at or @ambermartin_22 on Twitter.
Alyssa // Sep 9, 2016 at 8:44 am
A woman* treated herself
Convenience* store