Chico Police:
Call Type: Disturbance
Wednesday 7:49 a.m., East Ave.
Mother and daughter were fighting verbally in the parking lot of Celestinos, the witness stated that the argument was over whether or not they would stop for coffee before school.
Call Type: Trespassing
Wednesday 8:07 a.m., Longfellow Ave.
A woman reported she was assaulted by her boyfriend, locked him out of the house. The boyfriend rode off on his bike to laundry mat where he works.
Call Type: Vandalism
Wednesday 11:14 a.m., 476 East Lassen Ave.
400-600 pounds of rock and dirt were dropped into the parking lot of Joshua Tree apartments.
Call Type: Possession of Drugs
Wednesday 1:19 pm.m, Pleasant Valley High School
Six PV students caught with honey oil next to the campus during lunch. The students were taken to the school office.
University Police:
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Wednesday 12:30 p.m., Meriam Library
A women was stopping people and asking if they could take a picture of her ID.
Call Type: Welfare Check
Wednesday 1:05 p.m., Kendall Hall
A homeless man walked into advising, then passed out in the lawn in front of Kendall Hall.