Chico Police
Call Type: Juvenile Problem
Wednesday, 7:10 a.m., Chapman Elementary
A young girl was out of control, she shoved her librarian. Her tantrum was because she did not want to take her pills or want to go to school. The young girl punched her mom, no medics were needed.
Call Type: Transient Problem
Wednesday 8:58 a.m., Trailblazer Pet Supply
Many transients were reported outside of the back door of Trailblazer Pet Supply. Women were afraid to ask them to leave or use the back door because the last time she asked them to leave, her windows ended up broken.
Call Type: Grand Theft
Wednesday, 9:02 a.m., Kmart 2155 Pillsbury Rd
Video footage of person entering the store and stealing jewelry, subject returned in the afternoon and stole a total of $10,000.
Call Type: Harassment
Wednesday, 11:10 a.m., Diamond W 181 E Second St
A subject called the business seven times in a day and was harassing employees. He was giving information about the employees’ vehicles and license plates.
University Police
Call Type: Vandalism
Wednesday, 1:41 p.m., Langdon
Men’s toilet was removed from the wall on the third-floor restroom, plumbing was detached as well.
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Wednesday, 4:47 a.m., Lassen Hall
The man was behind Lassen Hall, screaming and was possibly chased away by others. The report was taken.
Call Type: Disturbance
Wednesday, 10:21 a.m., Trinity Hall
The male was standing in the middle of campus yelling at people. The subject was gone upon arrival.
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Wednesday, 4 p.m., Physical Science Bridge
A man walking on top of the railing of the bridge acting like it was a balance beam. He was reported again at 5:14 p.m., by five different people.