In light of recent election results, many people have been questioning the fate of the country and what a Donald Trump presidency may mean for disadvantaged peoples. Women are especially in need of empowerment during this seemingly dark and confusing period. Throughout history, women have found successful platforms to express and voice their concerns to the world and most importantly, each other. Here are a few of the many blogs that exist to empower, include and support women of all different backgrounds.
Lenny Letter
Lenny Letter is a highly progressive, feminist online newsletter, created by Lena Dunham and Jenni Konner, and seeks to inspire young women to share and express their experiences. The platform consists of political, cultural and style themed articles written by women, for women of virtually all sexualities, ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds.
What is so special about the newsletter is that it does not attempt to exclude men—it’s a tool to spread the celebration and struggles of womanhood to the general public. They include interviews and profiles of well-known women like, Hilary Clinton, Amy Schumer, Molly Ringwald and Gigi Hadid who have all revolutionized and shaped what the modern woman looks like.
Another great facet of this website are the weekly book recommendations, because often times the books address issues belonging to people and women struggling with eating disorders or racial bigotry or sexism. Generally, Lenny Letter is the perfect place to derive knowledge about the lives of other women and inspiration.
Girl Talk HQ
Girl Talk HQ is another women’s news website that invites women, especially millennials, to share their messages and promote their ideas or projects. The blog’s editor-in-chief, Asha Dahyam, created the website with the intention of better representing women in a male dominated media atmosphere.
Just like Lenny Letter, Girl Talk HQ’s mission is to enlighten and uplift its audience of women and generate a form of communication that discusses issues like reproductive rights or body image.
Some of the categories on the website include: “Boys We Like,” which contains a lot of articles about well known men who promote and encourage feminist culture, “Girl On A Mission”, which shares the stories of women from all over the world trying to make a difference in their communities or the world and “Working Women”, which chronicles the gains made by hardworking women. Girl Talk HQ is a powerful and inspiring website.
Darling is actually a women’s magazine, but also proves as an excellent blog spot that promotes connectedness and purpose in this community of womanhood. Darling is very unique in the way it organizes its articles. Instead of categorizing them into “political” or “cultural” themes, it is organized by personality facets like, “Hostess”, “Dreamer”, “Explorer” or “Intellectual” which better allows women to identify with a specific section and helps to provide more relatable advice or ideas. Aside from the blog’s feminist interests and writing, it has impeccable photography, which is empowering in itself.
Check out and even contribute to these revolutionary women’s platforms. Celebrating and supporting these messages might do you and current society a huge favor.
Anisha Brady can be reached at or @theorion_arts on Twitter.