Chico Police
Call Type: Grand Theft
6:42 a.m., Saturday, Esplanade
A woman said a man she had brought home after a night of drinking had taken her safe, gun, banking information, credit cards and more.
Call Type: Verbal Dispute
3 p.m., Saturday, Monticello Lane
A woman got into a verbal dispute with her roommate and wants him to leave the property because he keeps taking her alcohol.
Call Type: Harassment
10:41 p.m., Saturday, Rio Lindo Avenue
A woman reported that her ex-boyfriend was in her apartment complex and shining a bright light into her window after she had broken up with him a couple of days ago. Police officers conducted an area check and believe the light came from a working PG&E truck.
Call Type: Stolen Vehicle
11:14 a.m., Monday, Oakdale Street
A man’s parent called to report that their son’s girlfriend returned a car she had stolen.
Call Type: Harassment
1:53 p.m., Monday, Posada Way
A man’s ex-girlfriend stalked him to his sister’s apartment. He had just left the court house, where he had filed a restraining order against her. She was seen looking into his car and continuously driving by the apartment with her mother.
Call Type: Unfounded Stolen Vehicle
6:11 p.m., Monday, Penzance Avenue
A woman said her boyfriend dropped her off at her apartment and drove off in her car. Her husband later was contacted by the police and he told them that she was passed out drunk in the apartment and the vehicle had been parked at their home since the time she had called.
University Police
Call Type: Restraining Order Violation
9:49 a.m., Friday, Normal Avenue
A woman’s biological father was on campus in violation of her restraining order.
Call Type: Evaluation Requested
11:22 p.m., Saturday, Whitney Hall
A woman was found drunk in the third-floor stairwell.
Call Type: Petty Theft
4:09 p.m., Monday, University Village
A man reported a box was taken from the bed of his truck that contained a .45 pistol, a chainsaw and chainsaw parts.
Call Type: Transient Call
10:36 p.m., Monday, Plumas Hall
A man was found sleeping in the hallway near the bathrooms.
Bianca Quilantan can be reached at [email protected] or @biancaquilan on Twitter.