It was announced Thursday that Drew Calandrella, vice president of Student Affairs, will retire. The last of former Chico State President Paul Zingg’s administration will now be replaced.
Calandrella has been vice president of Student Affairs at Chico State since 2006. During his time at the university, Calandrella created the Cross-Cultural Leadership Center and the Foster Youth Program in 2014. He received the American College Personnel Association in Montreal, Quebec during spring 2016.
“He has provided excellent leadership to our campus during his term. Since my arrival in July, he has delivered a steady continuity to campus leadership. He has the respect of colleagues on this campus and on an international scale,” said Chico State President Gayle Hutchinson in an email sent to university staff.
Calandrella’s last day at the Chico State will be June 30.
George Johnston can be reached at [email protected] or @gjohnston786 on Twitter.