Chico police SWAT team and emergency medical services were waiting early Friday morning in the university stadium parking lot.
Approximately 15 SWAT officers armed with assault weapons, shields, and battering rams were waiting in a Chico State parking lot.
Officers were holding for additional intelligence to be gathered before moving forward to execute a search warrant.
At 8:35 a.m. Friday morning, the SWAT team, along with police officers and EMS moved out riding their light armored vehicle to execute a search warrant on East First Ave.
Chico PD was not available for further comments Friday afternoon.
Daniel Wright can be reached at or @danny_w_chico on Twitter.
Stalin // Feb 14, 2018 at 9:33 pm
You racist commie fuck Daniel Wright
Mr. Robot // Feb 11, 2017 at 9:27 am
“Approximately 15 SWAT officers armed with assault weapons, shields, and battering rams were waiting in a Chico State parking lot.
Officers were holding for additional intelligence to be gathered before moving forward to execute a search warrant.”
So any update on this ridiculously fucking vague news report with Zero follow up? Can we expect Swat officers to show up at random in the future armed with assault weapons, shields, and battering rams for a search warrant? Considering that at least 12 Swat teams from across the North State train at Butte, the least I could expect is a solid line of reasoning for a full show of force printed in news papers and articles online with absolutely zero explanation and no follow up. Like, in the week since this has come out has anyone bothered to ask the police for a statement or are we just use to the shit hitting the fan and then marching on without a moments pause? Maybe the Swat team got the drop on a “Radical Islamic Terrorist” that they were preparing to bust in a take down in a moment’s order. Or, maybe they just wanted to remind students that there are still men with guns in the world being ordered around by superiors that are scientifically illiterate and morally corrupt—I Don’t fucking know. What do you need 15 SWAT(Special Weapon’s Attack Team) officer’s for? 15 fully armed SWAT officer’s have the man power and tactical training to decimate an entire Roman Imperial Legion, provided they had an adequate supply of bullets. So what in Bidwell’s Beard do they need that many officer’s for in a search warrant? How much Pot could possibly be in there? Was it a random Trump inspired training exercise to get the whole force rock hard for making America great again??? We may never know. Or, we just may never be told because we were to lazy to ask questions ourselves.
I was once more or less finger-fucked by a cop obviously new to the job being peer-pressured by his fat white male superiors during a search in broad daylight. I didn’t have a search warrant on me, and neither did my black friends but that didn’t stop their golden opportunity to take advantage. Forgive me for not bending over and taking it in the ass from authority every time it walks by with loaded weapons . I can’t complain too much because none of us were arrested that day–I guess my white privilege comes in handy after all. People with power abuse power. So for fuck sake, if you are going to spread fear into the community, at least follow up with some (f)actual information because not everyone is content with living out the conditions of George Orwell’s 1984 with the caveat of Biff Tannen as president.
I feel like a Zombie locked in a fake video-game world with a bunch of other Zombies living out a simulated existence controlled by our Matrix-esque robot overlords. The vice president’s boner for creationism is the walking definition of scientifically illiteracy, the kind of illiteracy present within a society that pretends to pride itself on education and science when belief systems have dissolved such notions long ago in the groups of people who actually have the power to effect political change. I was raised, indoctrinated, even conditioned to respect people in positions of power like police officers and presidents. Does that respect hold any merit or logic in todays world? Who gives a fuck about how Mike Pence thinks the world was created; I would be more worried about his beliefs on how it will end.
Let me know if you have an update on the SWAT team’s (heroic?) motives on the streets of (Compton?) Chico.
Political views: Two sides of the same coin run by the same banks.