“The Space Between Us” takes star-crossed lovers and long distance relationships to astronomical heights.
This galactic romantic film stars Gardner Elliot (Asa Butterfield), a boy who has lived his entire life on Mars. His mother was an astronaut, unknowingly pregnant when she began her voyage to Mars and died giving childbirth. Though secluded from having real friends and a social life, he forms an online friendship with high school student Tulsa (Britt Robertson) from Colorado. He has the opportunity to visit Earth with two primary goals in mind: find his father and meet Tulsa.
Elliot and Robertson are perfect for their parts. Elliot plays an intelligent, romantic young man who doesn’t quite fit into social norms, while Robinson plays a troubled, rebellious young lady who keeps her guard up after being hurt many times. The two share a strong attraction and bond that millions of miles can’t break.
As Elliot asks various strangers what their favorite thing about Earth is, he appreciates the way fresh water feels on his skin, the vibrant colors he sees and begins see the beauty and simplicity in life. The message to take from this film is to appreciate what we have here on Earth.
There are however, a few events that don’t add up. Somehow, a pregnant woman went into space. If she knew she had unprotected sex she should’ve taken a pregnancy test prior to the trip and backed out. Also, apparently it is possible for two 16-year-olds with little to no money to somehow travel across several different states, eat and pay for gas. These are small, nit picky details but regardless, were very bothersome.
I give this film 4 out of 5 stars.
Trailer for ‘The Space Between Us’
Julia Maldonado can be reached at [email protected] or @theorion_arts on Twitter.